Healing Starts Here

We are all spirit having a human experience. There is a plan for your life. There is a reason you were born into a certain family & have experienced what you have up to this point. Your Higher Self/Soul knows, but the conscious mind forgets.

We all have a purpose and mine is to assist you with not only discovering yours, but to also awaken you to your self healing abilities.

“We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93% stardust with souls made of flames. We are all just stars that have people names.”


Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a state of consciousness called the somnambulistic state. Before your session begins, all the necessary precautions are taken so that you are safe during this deep form of therapy. You could compare Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy to something similar to a guided meditation. You should feel quite relaxed during the hypnosis and aware of what is happening.
Hypnosis has a 93% success rate in just a single or a few sessions while traditional behavioral & psychotherapy has a 39% success rate after 11 years of weekly visits. Healing of both physical and emotional ailments are incredibly common in every session; however, it isn’t necessary to have a certain condition to have a transformative session. Quantum Healing Hypnosis is truly for anyone and everyone, and the outcome is always in your highest and greatest good.


About me

Aloha my name is Brianne and I live on the beautiful North Shore of the Hawaiian Island Oahu. My spiritual journey began many years ago; it’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment it began.

I was a very sensitive child, gifted with the ability of intuition, empathy and discernment. Growing up I was always the healer & the counselor to my family and friends. I have always had a deep sense of knowing that there is so much more than we are taught and told. I began digging for the answers at a young age; however, I really started connecting the dots about 10. years ago.

Shortly after, I found Dolores Cannon - and my life forever changed. I began following different hypnosis practitioners and studying different hypnosis techniques. Although I already knew it, I was told in one of my own sessions as the client that this work is what I came into this life to do. The healing and understanding my clients experience in their sessions is nothing short of Divine.

I am amazed at the power we posses and the incredible love & connection that comes through these sessions. Love truly is the most powerful force in the Universe. I have so much gratitude to each and every client for choosing me to assist them as their practitioner.